This year’s National Singles Day (or Unmarried and Singles Day, depending on which phrasing you prefer) took place on September 21. We’re wrapping up our look at Metro Atlanta’s unmarried population with a view of where our single males live.

The interactive map below shows the rate of unmarried males at the county and tract level, and clicking on any area of interest will reveal greater details about the rates of unmarried men, as well as the share of men who have never been married and the percent of married men.

Once again, we’re seeing patterns that mirror our findings with unmarried females and unmarried residents overall, with Clayton County coming in first and Fulton and DeKalb coming in at second and third for shares of unmarried males. Forsyth County has the highest percent of married male residents, at 67.3 percent. Among males, though, Newton and Douglas county come closest to married-unmarried parity, with both counties seeing 50.2 percent of their male population unattached. Once again, at the tract level, areas surrounding universities and colleges see the highest rates of unmarried men.

The tool below includes layers containing last week’s data as well. Use the layer selector tool in the top right to turn on and off different information of interest, and use the slider bar to see how the two variables compare. You may need to scroll through the legend to see what all the different colors signify. To remove the swipe tool from the map, just click the icon attached to the tool in the upper left of the map.