The Census Bureau recently released a new analysis showing that not only do Millennials now outnumber Baby Boomers, they are far more diverse than the Boomers. While this isn’t exactly new news, we thought it would be interesting to look at the numbers locally, using the new-ish 2014 population estimates from the Census. As the chart below shows, about 57 percent of Millennials are “Diverse,” (or Non-White), compared to only 41 percent of Boomers. Interestingly, the youngest cohort,  those age 0 to 14 (we haven’t developed a clever name for them yet), is even more diverse than the Millennials.

Racial Composition by Age, 20-County Atlanta Region

(Please note: The census reports population estimates only in five-year age bands, so we can’t get the exact age range for Millennials, Boomers or Gen X, but we can come pretty close.)

Racial Composition by Age, 20-County Atlanta Region

There are about 300,000 more Millennials than there are Baby Boomers in the region, which reflects the national trend explored by the Census analysis referenced below.

Population of the 20-County Atlanta Region, by Age Cohort (2014)

Not all counties share these demographic characteristics, however. Click here to see the county-by-county variations.