Compared to other counties, a higher percentage of Rockdale County residents think public education in the metro region is “excellent,” and they are more likely to consider crime the biggest problem for metro Atlanta. Check out what else the 400 surveyed Rockdale County residents had to say in the 2015 edition of Metro Atlanta Speaks.

Featured questions:

  • Of the following, which issue is the biggest problem facing residents in the Metro Atlanta area today? Transportation, race relations, the economy, crime, public health, public education, human services for people in need, or taxes?
  • Which of the following would be the best long-term solution to the traffic problems in the Metro Atlanta area? Expand public transit, improve roads and highways, develop communities in which people can live very close to where they work, or do nothing?
  • How would you rate public education in the metro region as a whole?
  • How would you rate job opportunities in the Metro Atlanta area?
  • Thinking about your community, how involved would you say you are?
  • How would you rate the responsiveness of local governments to the needs of their citizens?
