Clayton County residents are generally optimistic about the future, balanced by serious concerns about present issues. Highlights of the responses from the 400 Clayton County residents surveyed in the 2015 edition of Metro Atlanta Speaks are shown below.

Featured questions:

  • How important for Metro Atlanta’s future is an improved public transit system, including buses and trains?
  • As you look ahead to the next 3 or 4 years, do you think living conditions in the Metro Atlanta will be better, worse, or about the same as today?
  • Of the following, which issue is the biggest problem facing residents in the Metro Atlanta area today? Transportation, race relations, the economy, crime, public health, public education, human services for people in need, or taxes?
  • How would you rate your neighborhood as a place to live?
  • How would you rate public education in the school district in which you live?
  • Thinking about your community, how involved would you say you are?
