What and How Important Are Digital Skills?

The March 2017 Regional Snapshot uses Burning Glass Labor Insight data to assess numeric trends and demand characteristics of job postings seeking general digital and advanced digital skills– at national, peer metro, and Atlanta metro levels.


  • In Atlanta for 2016, 65 percent of postings (about 367,000) asked for digital skills and 15 percent (about 85,000) asked for advanced digital skills.
  • These digital skills are particularly important in the metro Atlanta economy. From 2007-2016, percentage increases in both digital and advanced digital skills postings were higher than the national increase and most selected peer regions.
  • In Atlanta, top occupations for digital skills and advanced digital skills are Registered Nurses, Sales Representatives (Wholesale and Manufacturing) and Software Developers.
  • There is a large gap between the supply of educated workers and the demand for education that employers are seeking. This gap is more pronounced in digital skills and advanced skills.

Check out the slides below or download the PDF Regional Snapshot: Digital Skills March 2017