Many Georgia schools are taking the 2016 Georgia Milestones Assessments this week, so we decided to take a look at last year’s assessments for 3rd grade English Language Arts (ELA).  This map shows public schools in metro Atlanta symbolized by the percent of 3rd graders who were designated “Proficient Learner” and above for the end-of-grade ELA assessment. The schools with blue circles have greater percentages of students achieving this level, while the schools represented by brown circles have lower shares of students that are considered proficient learners. We can see a pattern of schools with greater percentages of proficient learners in the north metro region, while schools with lower shares of proficient learners are concentrated in the southern areas.

You can explore the interactive Statewide Education Indicators map on Neighborhood Nexus for a closer look at this and other school-level variables: 

Map of Georgia Milestones ELA proficient learners by school
Georgia Milestones ELA proficient learner and above